What's the story of
First Fruits?
I started playing the guitar in 1969,
at the age of six. As soon as I could string the notes
together for a whole song, I
Morning Specials" at church. I can and have played
a lot of other music in a lot of other places, but
somehow this is the music that always came first.
So the idea for the theme and title of
my debut CD First Fruits was to me an obvious choice.
Most of my guitar playing "career"
has been one of imitation. I could list a bunch of
pickers that I have happily spent countless hours pursuing
and stealing from -Chet Atkins of course heading that
But an album covering nothing but other
players wouldn't
be of
I started
reviewing my playlist and looking for ways to "make
them mine".
Yes, some of the songs on this album
are influenced, in whole or in part, by the likes of
Rick Foster, Tommy Jones, Dwayne Friend, Gary Lowry,
and others.
But many of the songs I took
the time to re-examine, or completely overhaul from
top to bottom. The push to do
me to
really "work" at the guitar more than I ever have.
I even got acquainted with yet another tuning (DADGAD,
for you pickers) that seems to suit some songs particularly
And while I was rethinking arrangements
of old standards, I began to tinker with ideas for
some originals as well. I hadn't done this very often
before, not really believing it
in me.
in the
two years, six new songs came to be, two of which are
on this album. One is the title track, First Fruits.
Which means, of course, the other four
songs need a place to go, so the next album is already
being planned....
First Fruits - The
Jim Deeming - guitar
Bruce Netherton - percussion
and drums
Hannah Alkire - cello;
Paul Andrews - recording,
mixing, engineering, drums, coffee,
miracles; www.bridgestudios.net
Jim Wilson - mastering
engineer; www.airshowmastering.com
Robin Birdsall - photography,
graphic art, CD cover and website design; www.birdsallgraphics.com
Stephanie Deeming -
CD liner artwork
What's the story behind
The Black Sea Lullaby?
Since 2004 my family and I have made
several trips to Ukraine with The
Least Of These to work with orphans.
We go to a city called Kerch, on the
east tip of the region of Crimea - right on the shore
of the Black Sea. It's a beautiful area that has long
been a vacation destination for Ukrainians and Russians.
Of the many pictures we've taken on
those trips, one means more to me than all the others.
It's not a very good shot - taken during a hurried
tour of a "kinder garden orphanage". But
the image of those rows of tiny beds all in one big
is a vivid reminder of the sad contrast - hundreds
of kids who go to bed each night with no one to tuck
them in or sing them a lullaby - and yet just a stones
throw away is a a beautiful beach on the Black Sea,
loaded with families on their summer vacations.
It had been in my mind for a long time
to write a song with that picture in mind, just not
necessarily for the First Fruits project. However,
as the melody began to develop, a refrain from an old
familiar song kept making a cameo appearance. It's
from "Jesus Loves The Little Children".
So as the song developed, I started
to call it "Precious In His Sight". And it
began to seem appropriate for First Fruits
after all.
I never was able to choose between
the two titles, so I kept both.
The Black
Sea Lullaby - Precious In His Sight
And now you know the rest of the story...
Fruits is a toe-tapping fingerstyle portrait of Sunday
Morning favorites, old and new, that will put a smile
on your face and make you want to pull your old guitar
out from under the bed..."
love of the guitar is evident in every track. Whether
playing a favorite old hymn, or telling you a story
with a new original, he brings together melodies
and rhythms that sound like much more than just six

Radio - AM
Denver Says...
you for your wonderful CD - we get literally hundreds
of CD's yearly, and few of them stand out as being
as excellent as yours is...
our General Manager was auditioning the CD I was
in his office, and we both said, 'Wow!' at the same
Berthoud Recorder Says...
to his music, it would be easy to assume more than
one guitarist is performing the complex layers of sound
in his melodies, harmonies and rhythms."
the whole article here...
Fruits is the CD of The Month
"Strings and Beyond"
a talented fingerstyle acoustic guitarist..."